Wednesday, September 3, 2008

good mission

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Romans 12:2

We’ve learned so much, and been transformed by this experience. This was an exploratory mission, and Ghana was difficult. There’s no way to sugarcoat that. The level of poverty, disease, and lack of efficient social organization is great, so our response must be equally great, if we love the Ghanains as ourselves. Yesterday was vastly better than the crisis with the crushing, desperate crowd the day before. Any normal parent with a child suffering from horrible disease would be desperate and frantic, and we understand and forgive the chaos. We’ve learned a lot about how to do this, and are empowered by the energy boost from your prayers for us.

But that was yesterday. Today we’re indulging ourselves in a little adventure tourism on the way back. We went to the Kakum national park to experience some real deep jungle (as if we hadn’t seen enough already) on a tree canopy swinging bridge over 100 feet in the air. This evening we’re relaxing beachside, and tomorrow off to visit Elmina Castle, a slave-holding dungeon, so we can study the capacity for evil in the human heart the way a doctor studies cancer. So we’ll be inspired to do even more when we return. We do not surrender, despite the challenges here.


SuzieB said...

Rollin- We so appreciate your updates. The bible verses are perfect and you are truly making the word of God live. HI to my Dad, Chuck Juray. Ryan & David think Grandad Rocks and is at a cool place. We will pray for continued travel mercies. With Love - Suzie & Kyle

Christy said...

Dad - this blog is amazing, and everyone is reading it - and i do mean everyone! we can't wait to have you and Mom home. God is doing a great work through you! i love you!