Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Peace Troopers have landed

Thy neighbor as thyself.

We’ve arrived and I now have my first opportunity to post a message (the clinic has an internet connection). The flight was overnight & therefore exhausting but uneventful. Getting through the airport at Accra went smoothly – generally, the officials made an effort to be helpful, but we had a brief bit of excitement when a young man ran through a security point and the police had to chase him down – but no weapons drawn, no one hurt, and the crowd seemed to find it more comical than frightening. The road from Accra to Lake Bosomtwe was degraded hard surface, very slow, very crowded in Accra, with lots of vendors coming up to the bus, including women balancing trays of wares on their heads. We had a nice lunch with some very interesting dishes I’ll describe later (must rush back to help at the pharmacy in a minute). We got unpacked at the lodge, then this morning took a boat across the lake to meet the Queen Mother at a village close to the clinic. Then on the work site. Everyone’s working hard, so much need here, so much lack of simple things, from clean water to medicine.

More later – we feel your prayers.

1 comment:

wahoomacd said...

What's up dawg? Hope you're kicking it real in Ghana. We're missing you at Hartwell this weekend. RB&Vs. Talk back to us.